What is React?
React is a declarative, efficient, and flexible JavaScript library for building UI.
It is used to build reusable user interface components.
React is an open-source tool.
React was developed by Jordan Walke, who was a software creator at Facebook.
In the ReactJS tutorial, we contain all the topics that support learning ReactJS. These are ReactJS Installation, ReactJS Features, ReactJS JSX, ReactJS State, ReactJS Components, ReactJS Props, ReactJS Events, ReactJS Forms, ReactJS Animation and many more.
Why do we use ReactJS?
The main purpose of ReactJS is to create User Interfaces (UI) that improve the speed. The JS virtual DOM is speedier than the normal DOM.
React Features
- Declarative
- Components
- Virtual DOM
- Lifecycle methods
- JavaScript Syntax Extension or JSX
ReactJS Tutorial Index
- ReactJS Tutorial
- React Introduction
- React Version
- React Installation
- create-react-app
- React Features
- Pros & Cons
- ReactJS vs AngularJS
- ReactJS vs ReactNative
- React vs Vue
- React JSX
- React Components
- React State
- React Props
- React Props Validation