What Are HTML Tags?
The entire HTML code fine based on HTML Tags. HTML Tags are predefined elements in HTML. They are used to markup the start of an HTML element and enclosed within these brackets < > symbols.
<code> Content here…</code>
Here are the examples of some HTML tags:
<h1>Welcome to Oixiesoft</h1>
<p>A tutorial website.</p>
Most of the html tags must be opened <body> and closed </body>.
Types of tags in HTML
There are two types of tags in HTML that are used to create web pages:
- Paired Tags (Opening and Closing Tags)
- Unpaired Tags (Singular Tag)
Paired Tags
Here are the given below some paired tags in HTML:
Open Tag | Close Tag |
<html> | </html> |
<body> | </body> |
<form> | </form> |
<h1> | </h1> |
<ul> | </ul> |
<p> | </p> |
<head> | </head> |
<div> | </div> |
HTML – <html> tag describes what computer language the page is written in. All the contents of a page should be placed between the Html (at the top of the page) and /or Html (at the bottom of the page) tags.
head – the meta tags appear between the head and /head tags.
body – all the page content appears between the body (at the top of the page) and /or body (at the bottom of the page) tags.
table – starts a table. You can make the width any that you like by adding a width=”” attribute. You can do it in percentages, width=”100%” or pixels, width=”710″ . The Golden Rule – every open table must be a closed /table.
tr – <tr>tag sets up the rows in a table, and /tr closes the rows.
td -<td>tag sets up the columns in a table, and /td closes the rows.
Unpaired Tags (Singular Tag)
Open Tag |
<br> |
<hr> |
<meta> |
<input> |
<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <body> <hr> <h1>Welcome to Oixiesoft</h1> <p>A tutorial website.</p> <hr> </body> </html>